Saturday, October 31, 2009

Evening update - 10.31.09

Mom and I went to see Dad this evening and were encouraged with how he looked and how he was talking.

He is now being treated by a gastroenterologist. After reviewing the results of the CT scans and x-rays taken this afternoon, Dr. Cook determined that the feeding tube in Dad's nose was not a good idea because for some reason his stomach is not draining. They replaced the feeding tube with a larger tube that is draining the fluids from his stomach. He is now getting his nutrition through his IV until they can determine what is going on with his digestive system. They put in a PIC line, which is a form of intravenous access that can be used for prolonged periods of time.

Mom was much more relaxed when I took her home and is encouraged by the activities of the day, although they really wore Dad out. We both felt more at ease with his condition, knowing that Dr. Cook seems to be aggressively attempting to determine what is going on and how to remedy it.

Good night all....have to get back to the Trick-Or-Treaters. Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dad's progress has been slower than hoped for due to his problem swallowing. His heart seems to be doing fine, but until he can get the nutrition he needs, he can't gain the necessary strength to recover from the bypass surgery. He has been moved to the Portneuf Medical Center West Campus, 4th floor, room 14 for further testing. They want to do some CT scans, etc., which can only be done at West Campus, to try to determine why he can't swallow.

They had trouble last week doing the full four hour sessions of dialysis because Dad's blood pressure kept dropping too low. They were finally able to do a full session on Thursday. Hopefully, they will also be able to figure out what causes his blood pressure to drop during dialysis.

Thank you all for your continued concern and prayers for our family. We love and appreciate you all.